A life where you feel less stressed, more energized, & more in control is right around the corner.

Through your customized coaching plan we will put what’s most important to you back at the center of your life so you can enjoy the life you’re living now as we go after your dreams!

We live in a world where most women are so busy tackling their never ending to-do list and caring for others that settling for 'good enough' becomes the norm. That's why I've launched The Momentum Initiative, a personalized coaching program, designed to help you take control of your days, quiet the cranky voice in your head, and shift your mindset so it supports you. Because when you learn those three skills you are set up to live a life that doesn’t just look good on social media but truly feels good to be living!


I am not here to fix you. You do not need fixing.

I’m Missy Frisch, a certified life and mindset coach, and I am happy you’re here!

I’m here to help you pave your own path. To find your way of living well. Because living well means something different for everyone.

For Wendy, living well meant taking back control of her time to allow her to prioritize her physical and mental health.

For Niki, living well meant implementing a decision-making process that freed up her mental energy & allowed her to have her own back.

For Mary, living well meant getting incredibly clear on what she truly wanted for her life and making a plan to get it.

I am not here to give you all the answers. Only you know what is right for you.

As your coach, I am here to help you work with your mind instead of against it.

To help you find your answers, your own secrets to life.

To help you navigate life with more ease. More lightness.

To help you see your blind spots before you get sideswiped.

To quiet the negative voice in your mind so that the most authentic version of you can be heard.

To help you enjoy the process and laugh along the way.

To work with you as you determine who you are and who you want to be next.

Because, you get to decide, moment to moment, who you are and how you show up. And decide and decide again. And that my friend, is exciting!

I love helping women like you poke holes in stories they’ve been telling themselves so long that they feel like facts. The β€œIt’s too late for me to make that change” or β€œI should just be grateful because look how beautiful my life is” or β€œI’m just not a person who follows through” type of stories. We all have them. And we can all learn how to stop letting those stories keep us stuck.

You are here for a reason.

Dare to believe in a bigger life, because you have the power to make it happen!

Your life. Your way. On purpose.

What people are saying.

You can be grateful for what you have AND want more!

You know those moments when you catch yourself wanting just a bit more? Maybe it’s more time and energy to focus on your health. More confidence. More motivation...

You catch yourself smiling imagining what your life could really look like with even an ounce more …

financial freedom, peace of mind, or quiet time…

And then your phone rings, your kid yells for a snack, your email pings…

You snap back to the present, release a little sigh, and the voice in your head whispers those two fatal words… β€œI’m fine”.


I help women start living the life they truly want to be living one little change at a time. It’s my job to help you get clear about what you truly want and why you don’t have it yet. To help you decide who you want to be, and help you live a life that is far more than β€œfine”.

Go ahead, let yourself imagine what your days will be like with even a bit more of YOU added back into the equation of your life. Because you do deserve more!

Totten Frisch

Tot is part of the team around here. He LOVES humans - all of them - and is working on being more accepting of his future four legged friends. Just like us, he’s a work in progress. In our house we like to narrate Tot’s thoughts. We think he’s cool with it because it turns out that he’s quite witty, entertaining, and wise! Seriously.

Check out our Instagram account, Tot likes to make special appearances!