Why your mindset matters
MissyFrisch MissyFrisch

Why your mindset matters

What if the way you think about something changes how your body physically responds to it?

A fascinating study at Stanford found that what participants believed about their food actually changed how their bodies processed it—without them realizing it.

The results might just change the way you think about everything…

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Make room for what’s next
MissyFrisch MissyFrisch

Make room for what’s next

Holding onto things "just in case"? That clutter may be taking up more than just space—it’s weighing on your mind. Learn how letting go can create peace, clarity, and room for what truly matters.

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Is your brain being a snarky critic?
MissyFrisch MissyFrisch

Is your brain being a snarky critic?

Life happens, and things will go wrong—but you get to choose how you respond. Learn how shifting your perspective can help you navigate messy moments with more ease and self-compassion

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Feeling Scattered? Try This Game-Changer!
MissyFrisch MissyFrisch

Feeling Scattered? Try This Game-Changer!

Feeling scattered like a squirrel on espresso? I totally get it. One minute we’re tackling a task, the next we’re chasing another idea. It’s exhausting, and nothing seems to get done!

But then I discovered this game-changer...

I created a simple bucket system to organize my thoughts and tasks, and it’s helped me stay focused, calm, and productive week-to-week.

Here's how you can do it too…

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A revelation on a rainy run
MissyFrisch MissyFrisch

A revelation on a rainy run

This week, I made an uncommon choice: I started a run in the rain. It might seem trivial, but this decision challenged a deeply ingrained, unexamined thought: "I don’t like starting runs in the rain." This thought had shaped my behavior, keeping me from enjoying my favorite activity in nature. By questioning and stepping beyond this limiting belief, I rediscovered joy and adventure.

What beliefs are holding you back? Challenge yourself to get curious and identify those hidden thoughts that might be quietly steering your actions. Take a step into the metaphorical rain—you might just find it glorious!

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