A revelation on a rainy run

Earlier this week, I made a decision I never make.

I decided to start a run while it was raining. By choice.

Maybe not the monumental decision you were expecting, but stick with me, and I'll explain why my story of stepping into the relentless summer mountain rain matters to you.

Running is part of what helps me feel whole. Outdoor runs. Trail runs. In nature (where it rains).

And despite that, (and I’m not sure when), this uninvited thought snuck into my brain and camped out for a while: "I don’t like starting runs in the rain." So, I stopped doing it.

Mind you, I don’t mind if the rain pours down in the middle of a run. I’ve intentionally run through plenty of snowstorms. And some of my favorite trail races are laced with river crossings.

Those circumstances were fine, fun even. But once this new thought settled in—starting a run in the rain? Now THAT just wasn’t for me.

WHAT!? You don’t need to be a runner to see that this is seriously flawed thinking. In all of the above scenarios, I’m getting wet.

Here is what I invite you to pay close attention to...

That statement about starting in the rain was not based in logic or reality. I didn’t sit down one day and decide to pass on all runs when the skies weren’t clear. The thought simply popped into my brain, I didn't question it, and my behavior changed.

I am trained in examining thoughts and beliefs. It's a daily practice of mine to question what I'm thinking, and this one snuck right by me!

It happens to all of us. Our brains are brilliant, and they often offer us ideas to help us conserve energy and stay safe. In this instance, mine was probably simply trying to keep me comfy, warm, and dry.

It worked. I have missed miles and miles of my favorite mood-altering movement because I never questioned that random thought. (Until this week!)

So what is it for you?

My challenge for you this week, should you choose to accept it, is to get curious. What subtle thought or idea has settled into your mind without you noticing that is keeping you a bit cozier and warmer than you really want to be?

What is your version of “I don’t like starting in the rain”? And what would happen if you chose to step into the rain and challenge it?

I decided to start a run in an absolute downpour this week. And my friend, it was glorious!

I would love to hear all about the sneaky thought you discover squatting in your mind. Reply back and let me know what you find!

Happy trails,


P.S. Remember, your brain is trying to help! This is an invite to be curious - not cranky with yourself for what you find!


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