Make room for what’s next
What's something you've been holding onto for just a little too long?
Maybe it's that solo earring whose partner ran off to wherever missing socks go. That "perfect for someday" dress, price tag intact, that's been gathering dust since that shopping spree in 2022. Or that one dried-up plant you keep watering, even though it's made it crystal clear it's not planning a comeback. (I’m three for three by the way, and will be letting go of all of these after I finish this email.)
We all have these things. They sit in our drawers, on our shelves, in the back of our closets—and more importantly, they take up precious real estate in our minds. But here's the real question:
How do you feel when you see that thing? And how might it be holding you back?
Last week, I finally let go of my childhood saddle. For twenty years, it followed me through six moves, collecting dust in various basements. I still ride when I can, but my saddle, likely 40+ years old (yikes!), is no longer right for the horses I ride. Yet I kept it, letting it become another item on my mental checklist of "things I should deal with someday."
It's funny how these objects stack up in our already busy lives, each one carrying a tiny IOU to our future selves. That stack of craft supplies quietly asking, "when?" The exercise equipment that’s become an expensive coat rack. All these things, taking up space in both our homes and our heads. Making us feel scattered, behind, or guilty.
So, after much deliberation, I decided to part with my saddle…well, technically, I decided to let my husband Charlie do it for me. (No shame in outsourcing emotional labor, right?) The saddle went to someone who’ll actually use it, and in exchange, I gained something beautiful: space, lightness, and peace.
The peace that comes from making the decision and moving forward.
Extra space in my head and in my home.
And the lightness that takes the place of guilt and obligation.
So here’s my challenge to you: Take a look around this week. What’s your version of my dusty old saddle? That thing that makes you think, "ugh, I should really deal with that" every time you see it?
Maybe it’s time to let it go and make room for what actually matters. Because here’s the thing about all that stuff we keep "just in case"—it's basically sitting there, collecting dust and generating little waves of guilt every time you look at it. And honestly? Your energy is way too valuable to be spent on guilt over a dusty old (insert item here)!
Let this be your sign to finally part ways with that thing that’s been weighing you down. And if you need an official permission slip? This is it. Go ahead—make room for what’s next.
Stay curious,