We worked as a team to alter my perception of myself and my motivation for change. At the end of the sessions, my decision-making is more focused, and my well-being has become a top priority. I feel noticeably emotionally lighter as the stressors that used to weigh me down have been lifted.
— Niki

My Services


Imagine having dedicated time, week to week, to focus on the life you’re creating. To slow down and enjoy all that you’ve built so far, and to dream about your future.

To truly consider all the possibilities - even the options that make your heart beat fast. (Especially the ideas that make your heart beat fast!)

Time to allow yourself to imagine a version of you that adds YOU, all of you, back into the equation of life.

Time to decide what living well looks like for you. Time to create and execute a doable plan to live into that vision.

One on one - this is what we do:





We TAKE CONTROL of your present and your future.

And we have a lot of fun along the way!

Energy Leadership Assessment & Debrief

This is included in every coaching package! Through the Energy Leadership framework we gain an understanding of your default perceptions, the specific filters you’ve developed over the years based on your unique life experiences and beliefs. Together we explore the 7 perspectives that are available to all of us, how we generally approach life, and how to shift our energy in ways that serve us.

Check out the FAQ page to learn more!